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Add New Employee Record

From the employee list you can add a new Employee Record to the workforce. First clicking the Employees menu tab, then click the Add New Employee Record button.
The Add New Employee Record button in the Employees Menu
New Employee
Each new Employee Record must have
  • First name
  • Last name
Optionally, an Employee Record can have
  • Description
  • Email
  • Telephone Number (in international format)
  • Employee ID - a unique code that is perhaps the same ID already being used by your Payroll or another HR system.
  • Holiday Days - If you use Rotaville for Holiday Reporting and your employee has a custom number of holiday days ( ie. different than your workforce default setting ) then set it here.
Entering email and telephone details will allow you and your employees ( or just your managers ) to use Rotaville for contacting your employees directly.

New Employee Form
New Employee Form
Use User Profile Data controls what is considered the primary source of information when the  Employee Record is connected with a User and their User Profile.   This information includes Name, Description, Telephone, and Photo.

Every employee record has its own colour which makes identify employee assignments on the rota easier. By default, a colour is chosen automatically for each employee. If you'd like to set your own colour manually then turn off Automatic Color.

Rotaville workforces can have multiple managers. Managers are allowed to add/edit/delete employees, shifts, assignments, and rotas. They can also change the Workforce Settings. Turn on Rotaville Manager in the Employee Record to grant manager rights to the connected user.

Finally, click Create Employee Record and the Employee Record will be added to the system.