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Data Retention, Backups, Archives, and Google Drive


An unforeseen system or network outage anywhere in the world could prevent you from accessing Rotaville.

For this reason, it's a good idea to have a backup of your planned current and future shifts so your business can continue uninterrupted.

As part of your everyday workflow, you might already generate reports, print employee schedules, or print the rota and distribute or display them at work. If you do this, these documents are your backup.

Or, if you've subscribed to a full calendar feed of all workforce shifts using your calendar app or program, this information can be your backup.

Automatic Backup to Google Drive

Another backup solution is to allow Rotaville to automatically upload a copy of future rotas and employee schedules to your Google Drive. To set up and configure these automatic daily backups, click the Google Drive Backups link on the Home page.

Now, you will always have a recent copy of your planned rota on your Google Drive.

Also, if your Google Drive is synced to your device or computer, you'll have copies of the rota with you automatically.

Data Retention

Rotaville only keeps shift information for 12-months. Holiday and Sickness information is only kept for 24 months.

Anything older than this is automatically and permanently deleted from our systems daily.

For compliance or other reasons, your business might need to keep records of historical shifts for longer.

If you regularly save PDF or CSV reports, these files can be your archive.


Rotaville can help you automatically archive your historical shifts.

In your Settings, from the Home page, you can subscribe to a monthly email containing an Employee Schedule PDF report of your own historical shifts.

If you're a manager, you can also subscribe to a monthly email containing a Timeline PDF report with all the workforce shifts.

These emails are sent on, or around, the 15th of each month.

Keep or save these emails as your own secure archive.

Automatic Archive to Google Drive

Rotaville can automatically upload a monthly archive report to your Google Drive.

Unlike the Google Drive Backups, which Rotaville automatically deletes, the uploaded archive PDF reports will not be deleted. As each month goes by, they will accumulate.

Click the Google Drive Backups link on the Home page to set up and configure personal and workforce archive uploading to Google Drive.

These PDF reports are automatically uploaded on, or around, the 15th of each month.