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Rotaville Rota Software News : page 2

Rota Software News and Updates

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Jason Lee Rotaville CEO. Jason
System Upgrades
30 December 2020


We've just completed a round of system upgrades on our backend production servers and Rotaville is now running faster-than-ever. (Up to 2-times faster for some actions).

Wishing everyone a very Prosperous and Happy New Year!

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Repeating shifts can be edited to change the schedule.

E.g. A shift that repeats on Thursdays can be changed to repeat on Fridays instead.

A new version v56.3.x of the Rotaville App includes this support for editing the schedule on a repeating shift.

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Moving a Repeating Shift to a different rota is now supported on Rotaville.

The edit repeating shift screen now includes a select field for the new rota.

This new functionality is also on the latest v56.2.x Rotaville Apps for Android and iOS.

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Jason Lee Rotaville CEO. Jason
Draggable shifts are back!
8 September 2020

Rotaville oldtimers will remember that it used to be possible to drag shifts forwards and backwards on the rota.

This functionality is now back!

It's not possible to drag/adjust shifts that are part of a repeating series - a repeating shift needs to be excluded from the series before it's times can be adjusted.

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The shift clone icon links displayed in the shift details dialog, and also the shift clone icons displayed above a whole day row, or a whole week row, can be clicked on to display a Clone Shift dialog form. The Clone Shift dialog form has the new option of cloning the shift to a different rota (for Workforces with more that 1 rota).

Clicking-n-dragging the clone icons for on-screen interactive cloning in the traditional way also still works.

The Clone Shift screen on the Rotaville mobile app now also supports cloning to a different rota.

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For many years now, images on Rotaville (e.g. employee pictures and company logos ) have been cropped to square size on mobile.

We've just updated the web app so that all web images are now also displayed square ( instead of the old 4-by-3 ratio crop).

Also, we've fine tweaked the web app and made it a bit faster.

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It's now easier to make changes ( such as different times, titles, info ) to established repeating shifts.

On the date that you want to make the change, simply choose Edit and then Edit the Series forwards from this Shift.

This new functionality is now available on the Rotaville desktop web site and mobile site, and will soon be available in the mobile App.

Edits and updates to a repeating shift from a future date are actually made by splitting the repeating shift in two.

The original repeating shift is set to end the day before your change, and then a new repeating shift is started containing the updated information.

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Managers will now only receive holiday notifications when employees post new holiday requests or delete holiday requests ( Holiday Requests by employees can be enabled or disabled in Workforce Settings ). Employees will not receive notifications for their own actions.

Any holidays created/changed/deleted by a manager will now not trigger holiday notifications to be sent to other managers. Changes to holidays by managers will only send notifications to the employee ( depending on their personal notification settings).

These changes will significantly reduce the number of holiday notifications ( email and push messages) being sent by Rotaville.

In other news, we found a bug where in some situations Sick Leave notifications were not being sent, this has been fixed!

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for those long-lived memos, we've added a new expiry option - 5 years.

Available for new memos now on web and mobile web. Available in the mobile Apps after the next update.

thanks. Jason.

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Rota managers can now quickly view a list of conflicting shifts for Holidays and Sick Leave on the rota.

Click the Conflicts link that appears in the details box above a Holiday or Sick Leave entry on the rota.

From the displayed list of conflicting shifts is possible to remove (unassign) the employee from all of the conflicting shifts with a single click by clicking the Remove Assignments link

On the Rotaville App and mobile website conflicting shifts are now displayed directly on the Holiday or Sick Leave screens. The latest update for the Rotaville App, Version 54, is now available from the App Store or Play Store.

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For workforces with multiple rotas, we've made some improvements to the Printed Rota PDF. A single day will now be split of multiple pages where there are too many rotas or too many shifts to be comfortably printed on a single page.

Also, for the Rota PDF ( and Shift Report, Schedules, and CSV reports) we've added a new option, "Selected Rotas". When "Selected Rotas" is set then a subset of rotas can be selected for printing ( previously the only choices were to print "All Rotas" or each single rota ).

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We've reorganised the various view controls that were located at the top right-hand side of the rota calendar into a new View Options menu.

View Options Menu

Also added is a brand new Empty Shifts only option which filters the view to only show shifts without any employees assigned.

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We've updated the Repeating Shifts video lesson.

This short video is recommended viewing for all rota managers...


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We've added a new feature to Rotaville that will automatically upload PDF copies of your rota and schedules to your Google Drive.

Click the Google Drive Backups button from your Home page to access this feature.

After you have granted access to Rotaville to your Google Drive, backup PDFs will be uploaded each day.

Employees can backup their schedule only.

Managers can backup full copies of the rota and employee schedules.

You'll find your backed-up files in RotavilleBackup folder at https://drive.google.com/ or on your PC/Mac/iPhone/Android by installing one of these apps https://www.google.com/drive/download/

Please let us know if you have any problems or questions.

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After this recent update there was a problem with Email Notifications and Push Notifications being sent out with the wrong shift information to some employees.

These problems have now been fixed and notifications should be working correctly for all new repeating shift assignments and removals.

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The way the Repeating Shifts and Repeating Assignments feature works on Rotaville has been improved.

Now it's possible to change the individual assignments on a Repeating Shift at any time. Repeating Assignments can be added or removed from any date, or range of dates, without first having to edit, delete, exclude or change the repeating shifts.

The updated Rotaville App for Android and iPhone, version 53.x.x, includes support for these new improvements.

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Jason Lee Rotaville CEO. Jason
Happy Faster Easter
17 April 2017

We've updated a few small things over the weekend, and as a result, Rotaville should be running just a little bit faster for you now.

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Resources and Clients can now be deactivated. This is just like deactivating employees.

A deactivated resource or client will not appear in the shift assignment menu on the mobile shift assignment screen.

Historical shift assignments for deactivated resources and clients will remain on the system until the resource/client is fully deleted ( or until the normal 12-month historical deletion of the shift occurs).

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Rotaville users can now choose to have the popular daily email notification of upcoming shifts in the next 7 days sent to them only on selected days of the week.

These new email day settings can found in Settings.

Daily email reminder of scheduled shifts

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Jason Lee Rotaville CEO. Jason
New: Shift Breaks
26 November 2014

Rotaville now supports adding breaks to shifts.

Breaks are subtracted from the total shift time that is used to calculate total hours for each assigned employee. So don't use Rotaville Shift Breaks if you are using our reports to calculate payroll and your employees have paid breaks.

Click the pencil 'Edit' icon on the desktop web rota view or on the mobile views to edit/add a break to a shift.

Shift break times are displayed in square brackets, e.g. [ 1h30m ].

Rota Shift Break Information