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Activity Stream

A guide to the Activity Stream for rota managers.

Video Transcript

This information can help determine when, who, and what, changes were made to the rotas.


The Activity menu tab, with the heartbeat icon, shows a 12-month historical log or activity stream of all changes to the workforce and rotas.

This information can help determine when, who, and what, changes were made to the rotas.

Use the "Next Page" and "Previous Page" buttons to view more log entries.

The Activity stream records and displays the full details of all changes made.

There is a Workforce Setting that you can use to restrict or grant employees access to the Activity Stream.

Conveniently, each shift has an heartbeat-icon Activity link in the Shift Details Box that opens an activity log just for that shift.

When you hover over an assignment, there is also an Activity link that opens the activity log for just that assignment.

From the Activity dialog, it's possible to click the activity links next to shifts and assignments to switch between the two views.

Thank you.

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